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Easy Steps For Preventing Plastic


As this material is non biodegradable, plastic pollution is having an astronomical effect on our planet. Not only is plastic killing millions of sea life and birds every year but it is now even affecting humans. A study from Ghent University in Belgium recently calculated that people who eat seafood will ingest up to 11,000 tiny pieces of plastic every year. Scary right?

Well not to fear….The time for change is here! We’re not saying you have to give up plastic all together as let’s face it, these days that would be pretty difficult. To make the transition easier, simply try replacing a few of the common plastic items you use with alternative materials. Here’s a list of 3 simple steps you can take today to help prevent plastic pollution in your household…

Reuse and refill your bottles

One easy step you can take to help eliminate plastic is by re-using and refilling the bottles around your house. Try replacing the plastic multipurpose spray you buy every month with a stainless steel spray bottle that can be refilled with a cleaning formula. You can do the same with your hand soaps.

Whether you make your own cleaning blends at home or stick to buying refillable, eco-friendly products, this is one plastic product that can easily be replaced. Looking for certified organic, refillable laundry sollution? Check out the new Happi Laundry Liquid that eliminates over 99% laundry plastic!

Say no to plastic shopping bags

Did you know that plastic bags can take up to 1000 years to decompose? With 2 million plastic bags being used on average every minute around the world, it is scary to think of the devastating effects such a small, everyday item can have on the planet. With many countries around the globe now consciously making an effort to ban the plastic bag, the time for change is now.

You can easily make a big difference, simply by using non-plastic, reusable bags. The change may be difficult at first and remembering to store your reusable bags in the car every time you go shopping may take some time. But when one simple change to your buying habits can help make a massive difference to our environment, it really is worth it.

Know your recycling rules

A new study published by the Science Advances Journal revealed that of the 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic that has been produced in the world so far, 91% of that has not been recycled. This means that most of the plastic being produced is going into landfill and natural environment, ultimately ending up in the final sinkhole we call the ocean.

When it comes to recycling, there can be so many rules that make it seem like a time-consuming task. In reality, getting into the habit of recycling at home is pretty simple. Start by having a seperate, recycling bin in your house so that you can learn to seperate the recyclables from the non-recyclables as you go. A great idea is to look up your local council’s regulations on recycling and print out a guide for your fridge. Whether it’s in your home or your workplace, a quick guide of materials that can be recycled can go a long way to helping recycling become a new habit.

Eliminating plastic in your house doesn’t have to be hard. With a slight change of habits and an understanding of the effects plastic is having on our environment, you can do your part to help make our earth a bit cleaner!